How to determine what face procedure you may be a candidate for?

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FaceliftToronto, Ontario

Aging Gracefully is an Art

As the most perceptible feature of your body, the face represents all you take in and all that you wish to put out into the world. It can also show telltale signs of aging over the years. Patients with advanced signs of facial aging may consider surgical options like a facelift.

Facelift with Dr. Mike Roskies, Facial Plastic Surgeon in Toronto

Toronto facelift specialist Dr. Mike Roskies has spent countless hours in the operating room, at the bedside, and in the office, learning and listening to understand his patients’ aesthetic concerns and provides them with anti-aging solutions. He and his staff aim to create long-lasting bonds with their patients during this transformative journey together.

How the Face Ages

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Aging is defined by the three "Ds": deterioration, deflation, and descent.

  1. Deterioration of the skin: Loss of elasticity and collagen is enhanced with resurfacing (laser, Morpheus8) paired with a facelift.

  2. Deflation of fat: Fat transfer to the face (taken from the body) or simply restoring fat pocket position during facelift surgery accomplishes this.

  3. Descent: With age, the ligaments relax and create "speed bumps" on the face (nasolabial folds, marionette lines, etc). During a facelift, these ligaments are released, the deep layer of muscle is repositioned, and the excess skin is trimmed carefully.

Additional Reading

As you age, it is common for your skin to lose its natural resilience and youthful elasticity. Genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors (like sun damage and chemical exposure) work against healthy skin. Even the most robust and dedicated skincare routine often can’t keep up. When this happens, wrinkles and creases form and become permanent, and a loss of volume in key places can lead to a tired, weathered appearance.

Common age-related concerns include:

  • Jowls
  • Double chin
  • Turkey neck
  • Sagging skin
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Volume loss in the cheeks
  • Deepening folds around the mouth
  • Displaced or diminished fat deposits

What is a Facelift?

A facelift or rhytidectomy, is a surgical technique designed to combat these conditions in a holistic way. The procedure tightens and lifts the structures in the mid-to-lower face, resulting in a youthful and natural-looking outcome. Keep in mind that a facelift will not fundamentally change your appearance; Instead, it helps restore features typically associated with youth.

Deep Plane Facelift

To address the three fundamental signs of aging, Dr. Roskies performs the newest technique, the "modified deep plane" facelift. The goal is to achieve an age-appropriate facial appearance and not overdone. By going under the muscle, releasing tension points from the ligaments, and redistributing the skin, the incision has a better chance of healing without tension, resulting in a finer scar.

Choosing a Facelift Procedure

Dr. Roskies specializes in various facelift techniques, from mini facelifts to traditional SMAS facelifts and the newer modified deep plane facelift approach. Armed with extensive fellowship training and surgical expertise, he makes carefully thought-out recommendations based on each patient’s specific needs. He is uniquely skilled in blending different facelift techniques.

Non-Surgical Alternatives

Some patients are simply not ready for a facelift’s intensive changes. Most people try a non-surgical or minimally invasive treatment at least once before undertaking the expenses associated with a facelift. Some non-surgical alternatives include laser skin rejuvenation and wrinkle treatments.

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Benefits of a Facelift

Patients should be made aware that a facelift is not meant to change a person’s life or make them feel better about themselves but rather to rejuvenate key areas of the face that are subject to aging. That said, some studies discuss the purported benefits of facelift surgery, including a reduction in perceived age.¹

Toronto facelift model smiling

Am I a candidate for a Facelift?

While a facelift isn’t suitable for everyone, candidates typically have one or more of the following aesthetic concerns:

  • Double chin
  • Marionette lines
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Vertical neck bands
  • Loose, sagging jowls
  • Crêpe-like skin texture
  • Sagging neck skin, or “turkey wattle”

The ideal facelift candidate is in overall good health. The procedure is generally not recommended for people with conditions that may impair healing (heart disease, diabetes, cancer, blood disorders, etc.). Smokers and pregnant or breastfeeding women are not eligible for the surgery. Make sure to inform Dr. Roskies of any medications or supplements you take, as some can interfere with blood clotting.

Consultation and Preparation

Dr Mike Roskies logo Toronto facelift model with red hair

The goal is to treat your entire look, and Dr. Roskies will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan to fit your needs. Whether that includes a facelift or other complementary treatments as well, Dr. Roskies has the skill and versatility to ensure your surgical plan matches your aesthetic goals. It is crucial to completely understand the procedure, know its limitations, understand the risks, and maintain realistic goals regarding results and downtime. You will have the chance to review all this and more with Dr. Roskies during your consultation. Afterward, you should have a clearer idea of what to expect if you move forward.

You may need to temporarily adjust prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and dietary supplements in preparation for facelift surgery. Smokers will need to quit well in advance and remain dedicated to a nicotine-free lifestyle for several weeks afterward. Dr. Roskies will provide a complete list of pre-operative instructions ahead of time.

Complementary Procedures

Dr. Roskies frequently performs other procedures simultaneously as a facelift to accomplish a harmonious result. A possible advantage of combining procedures is that patients may save money on anesthesia fees and only have to endure one recovery period. Procedures that might be combined with a facelift include:

Brow Lift

A facelift primarily addresses the mid-to-lower face. A brow lift (also called a “forehead lift”) may also be considered when it comes to deep forehead creases and sagging brows.


The eye skin is thin and delicate. As such, it is one of the first parts of the face to show signs of aging. As the muscles, fat pads, and skin in the periorbital area lose firmness and sag with age, the upper or lower lids may take on a tired appearance. Upper eyelid surgery, lower eyelid surgery, or both can be combined with a facelift to promote a more rested, alert appearance.


Rhinoplasty can address cosmetic issues affecting the nose, including a drooping nasal tip, flared nostrils, a crooked nasal bridge, or a prominent dorsal hump. If you are concerned by your nose’s appearance, Dr. Roskies may be able to address it at the same time as a facelift.

Neck Lift

By elevating the SMAS, a facelift can lift and tone the upper portion of the neck to a limited extent. However, some patients have a more desirable result by combining a facelift and neck lift into one procedure. During a neck lift (also called platysmaplasty), Dr. Roskies surgically tightens the platysma muscle with sutures and removes any excess tissues.

Lip Lift

Surgical lip augmentation involves removing a small wedge of skin from under the nostrils and then suturing the wound closed to raise the lip border, increasing the upper lip’s surface area.

Facial Fat Grafting

Redistributing the facial fat pads during a facelift might not be enough to address facial volume loss—especially in patients with a significantly hollowed appearance. For the right candidates, facial fat transfer may be combined with a facelift to restore volume to the lips, cheeks, under eyes, or temples. Facial fat grafting entails harvesting excess body fat from areas such as the abdomen or love handles with liposuction, then purifying the fat and injecting it into the face.

Complementary Non-Surgical Procedures In tandem with a facelift, Dr. Roskies may recommend:

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The Facelift Procedure

Most facelifts take place under conscious sedation or general anesthesia. The exact steps of the operation vary based on the type of facelift performed. In a traditional facelift, the surgeon makes incisions at the hairline and around the ears. Through the incisions, Dr. Roskies gently manipulates and suspends the underlying tissues. He then re-drapes the skin and removes any excess if needed. Finally, he applies sutures and sterile bandages to close the incisions.

Toronto facelift model smiling

Results, Recovery, and Aftercare

Following your facelift Toronto plastic surgeon Dr. Mike Roskies will provide you with comprehensive aftercare instructions (and prescriptions for any necessary medications). While every patient heals differently, here is a quick overview of what most patients generally experience as they recover from facelift surgery.

Week 1

Swelling, bruising, discomfort, and a tight sensation are most pronounced during the first week of recovery. There can also be some numbness. The sutures usually come out at seven days post-op.

Week 2

Much of the swelling and bruising starts to fade. Some patients are ready to go back to sedentary job duties, while others find they need a few extra days to heal before venturing out into public.²

Weeks 3 and 4

By now, most patients look socially presentable and feel comfortable enough to return to work and light social activities.² Bruising is generally absent. Any lingering swelling is usually minor and should continue to resolve in the coming weeks.

Week 5 and Beyond

Most patients are cleared to engage in strenuous exercise and heavy lifting at this stage. With each week that passes, the final results begin to emerge. The final outcome is usually apparent at three to four months after making a complete recovery.

Maintaining the Results of a Facelift

While a facelift counteracts the visible effects of aging, it cannot stop the process altogether. A healthy lifestyle (diet, exercise, and a quality skincare regimen) are wise investment, even for patients that have had the surgery. You should also protect your skin from the sun. Prolonged sun exposure is proven to degrade collagen and elastin, exacerbating how quickly the skin ages.

Why choose Dr. Roskies?

Dr Mike Roskies logo Toronto facelift model with red hair

Dr. Roskies’ entire focus is and will always be on the face. He understands how to reconstruct it and to perfect it. He has rebuilt noses destroyed by surgery, trauma, or cancer. He helps his patients achieve the beauty they always knew they had. Dr. Roskies spent his early career training with top names in facial surgery, learning every single nuance and creating his own “winning formula”. His goal is to enhance what he already sees in you.

Coming from a reconstructive background, he aims to provide results that withstand the forces of life and trends of the time. His focus on timeless elegance and it shows in his quality of work.

When you put your face in someone else’s hands, you also put your full trust. It takes a lot of courage to do. Dr. Roskies understands the emotional impact this has on you and your loved ones. It is for that exact reason that examining every detail of the process means so much to him, and the journey is something he will never take for granted.

Toronto Dr Mike Roskies staff

Schedule your Toronto Facelift Consultation with Dr. Mike Roskies today

Are you ready to discuss your facial rejuvenation options? Fill out the contact form to request an appointment for a facelift in Toronto. Dr. Roskies and his team are excited to walk you down this exciting road as you embark on this very personal journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), facelift surgery is the world's tenth most common elective surgery. More than 448,000 facelifts took place in 2019 alone, representing 3.9 percent of all cosmetic surgical procedures that year. As a surgeon focusing exclusively on facial aesthetics, facelifts are one of Dr. Roskies’ most requested procedures.

The procedure is virtually painless due to local anesthetic, which may be combined with sedation. In some cases, Dr. Roskies may opt for general anesthetic if combining multiple procedures or if the patient prefers not to be awake for the operation.

All surgical procedures carry risks, and facelift surgery is no exception. Before your surgery, Dr. Roskies’ office will provide you with a consent form to sign that lists all known risks and complications associated with facelifts, some of which may be life-threatening. Here are some potential complications to watch for:

  • Skin flap necrosis
  • Collection of blood
  • Numbness or nerve injury
  • Compromised blood supply
  • Bleeding, infection, sudden increase in swelling

If you suspect you may be having an abnormal reaction to surgery, call the office immediately, and they will see you for a follow-up right away.

Recovery time will vary for each patient. However, here is a general timeline:

  • Seven to ten days: Bruising and swelling begin to resolve
  • Three weeks: Restaurant-ready
  • Three to four months: Final results emerge

After a facelift, the skin and underlying tissues will continue to age.

Dr. Roskies utilizes refined surgical techniques such as the modified deep plane facelift. Using this approach, he has found that the windblown look associated with older facelift techniques is generally less of a concern. As with any surgery, the exact results can be unpredictable. Some patients may achieve a more natural-looking outcome than others.

Dr. Roskies most commonly performs facelift surgery on patients in their 50s to 60s, although the rate at which a person’s face ages over the years is more important than how many birthdays they’ve celebrated. Lifestyle and genetic factors all play a role in facial aging.

A facelift can usually take place at the same time as eyelid surgery, a forehead lift, a neck lift, laser skin resurfacing, and many other facial rejuvenation procedures.

Facelifts can be expensive, but their costs cover a broad range. Factors such as the extent of the surgery, any supplemental procedures, and the skill and expertise of the surgeon all play a role in determining the cost.


  1. JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery,
  2. American Society of Plastic Surgeons,

Disclaimer: All surgical procedures carry risks. Individual results vary.

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This life is what we make of it. Dr. Mike Roskies helps patients like you determine their own futures through innovative, meticulous, and gorgeous facial plastic surgery in Toronto. As one of the rising stars of plastic surgery, patients come from around the country to receive Dr. Roskies’ life-changing procedures. Ready to give your story an exciting new chapter? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Roskies today.

66 Avenue Road #1, Toronto, Ontario M5R 3N8

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