How to determine what face procedure you may be a candidate for?

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Brow LiftToronto, Ontario

Do your eyebrows sag and make you look tired? Do they interfere with your vision? These are common issues many people face as they age. But both can be alleviated in one procedure: the brow lift.

Dr. Mike Roskies dedicated his career to refining facial plastic surgery procedures like brow lifts. At his cutting-edge and comfortable clinic in Toronto brow lifts come with outstanding service, attentive care, and superb results. Come see how we can use a brow lift to make you look as young and beautiful as you feel!

How do I know if a Brow Lift is right for me?

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A lateral temporal brow lift is considered a very safe and effective procedure. Dr. Roskies has performed hundreds of these procedures and takes every precaution to give you the care and results you deserve.

Brow lift candidates are generally in good health and want to address one or more of the problems listed above. If you do not have any serious medical issues (like heart disease, diabetes, or cancer) that can interfere with your body’s healing ability, you may be an ideal candidate. It’s also important that potential patients have a solid understanding of the procedure and healthy, realistic expectations for their results.

What is a Brow Lift?

Brow Lift Procedure in Toronto

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The normal aging process can cause the skin on your face to wrinkle, loosen, and sag. When this happens on your forehead and brow line, it can mean your eyebrows start to droop, and your vision can be impaired. Not only that, but you can end up with a tired or angry look that contradicts the vibrant, energetic life you lead.

To combat this, a lateral temporal brow lift can make a huge difference. This procedure differs from more extensive brow lift techniques in that it focuses mainly on the outer third of the forehead and the way this skin affects the look of your eyebrows. By carefully raising the outside edges of the brow, the improvement in your look can be significant. Dr. Roskies will also avoid the risk of your face looking surprised or plasticized from conventional brow lift surgery. The lateral brow lift technique is also less invasive, which means it can be performed more quickly, and the recovery time can be just a fraction of a full brow lift. The brow lifts I perform are excellent for addressing problems like:

  • Sagging eyebrows
  • Excess skin along the browline
  • Obstructed vision

During your consultation for a brow lift Toronto Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Mike Roskies will have an in-depth discussion about your goals for your appearance and the procedure. He always wants patients to feel thoroughly informed and comfortable throughout the process.

Toronto brow lift model with red hair

Brow Lift Procedure

—Mike Roskies, MD, MSc, FRCSC

On the day of your procedure, you will be welcomed to Dr. Roskies’ Toronto clinic and shown to your private surgical room. Once you’re comfortably positioned, the anesthetic will be applied and allowed to take effect.

Depending on your surgery plan, Dr. Roskies will place incisions for the lateral temporal brow lift along or within the hair at your temples, making it easy to hide any scars that may form. He will then remove or redistribute tissue as outlined in your treatment plan. Then, he’ll tighten the skin, close the incisions, and finish the procedure by dressing and protecting the incision sites to allow the healing process to begin. A full brow lift may be added, which involves either small or more extensive incisions at the forehead hairline.

Brow Lift Recovery

Mike Roskies, MD, MSc, FRCSC

Dr Mike Roskies logo Toronto Surgeon Dr Mike Roskies with model with red hair

The recovery from a brow lift procedure mainly focuses on caring for the incisions and protecting your skin as it heals. Dr. Roskies will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to limit the risk of complications (i.e., infections, pain, bleeding) and help your recovery be as speedy and complete as possible.

You should expect to experience some swelling, redness, and discomfort during your recovery, although it should all be manageable with the medications and advice Dr. Roskies provides you. It usually takes about two weeks for the incisions to heal. Dr. Roskies will schedule a time to remove your sutures and evaluate your progress as appropriate. Most patients can resume their normal, daily activities after 14 days, but complete healing can take a few months.

Toronto Dr Mike Roskies staff

Schedule your Brow Lift consultation with Dr. Mike Roskies today

You don’t have to look tired anymore. Patients who receive my Toronto brow lift services love how energetic they feel after their procedures. It’s amazing how changing the way you look can change the way you feel. To find out how Dr. Roskies can help you reclaim your best look. Click here to request an appointment. We are excited to welcome you into our family of patients and help you look your best!

Brow Lift Frequently Asked Questions

You will not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. However, many patients experience some pain after the anesthetic has worn off. Before your procedure, Dr. Roskies will recommend an appropriate pain relief medication for your condition, which may be a prescription drug or an over-the-counter remedy.

A lateral temporal brow lift is less invasive than other brow lift procedures, but it does involve surgery. Often, Dr. Roskies can complete the treatment using only local anesthesia, but sedation may be required. In these situations, the effects of the anesthesia can take several hours to wear off, so you will be released to a predetermined friend or family member to take you home.

The cost of a brow lift will vary. The extent of the procedure, the need for any supplemental treatments, and the expertise of the surgeon all contribute to the overall cost. Dr. Roskies will provide you with a detailed breakdown once we have your surgery plan in place, so you will know exactly what to expect before any work is done.

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This life is what we make of it. Dr. Mike Roskies helps patients like you determine their own futures through innovative, meticulous, and gorgeous facial plastic surgery in Toronto. As one of the rising stars of plastic surgery, patients come from around the country to receive Dr. Roskies’ life-changing procedures. Ready to give your story an exciting new chapter? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Roskies today.

66 Avenue Road #1, Toronto, Ontario M5R 3N8

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