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Hair TransplantToronto, Ontario

Studies show that (after eyes), a strong hairline corresponds most to attractiveness in men. A receding hairline or thinning hair can distract from even the most handsome face. It affects many people: estimates say more than 50% of people will experience some amount of hair loss in their lifetimes. Fortunately for us, gone are the days of large scars and unnatural hair plugs!

Toronto hair transplant expert Dr. Mike Roskies uses most advanced tools and proven techniques to help you reclaim your full head of hair. He is double fellowship-trained and has served hundreds of patients in the Toronto area for years. Most plastic surgeons spread their skills out broadly to do work on your entire body, but Dr. Roskies only focuses on treatments for and around your face and scalp. So despite genetics winning your battle against hair loss, he has the tools to help restore your confidence and your hairline.

What is a Hair Transplant?

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People often blame many things for hair loss: poor circulation, dandruff, vitamin deficiency, even excessive hat wearing. While some diseases and medical treatments can cause you to lose hair, the truth is that most of us only have genetics to blame.

Some people try supplements, creams, or solutions to regrow their hair, but these typically have marginal success at best. While those attempts can certainly be cheaper, hair transplantation tends to have a higher success rate than other treatments. As the name suggests, a hair transplant involves removing healthy hair from one place and implanting it into the balding areas. The relocated hair then grows naturally in its new location, reducing or eliminating the baldness or thinning hair.

How do I know if Hair Transplants are right for me?

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Hair transplantation procedures can be safe for anyone healthy enough for surgery. During your consultation for hair transplants Toronto Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Mike Roskies will cover your complete medical history and thoroughly assess your condition. Factors include:

  • Healthy hair
  • Sufficient growth at the back or sides to serve as donor areas
  • Matching color and texture

Many patients require more than one transplantation session to achieve their desired results, and results will vary between patients. While the procedure can definitely improve your appearance and self-confidence, know that the results may not match your imagination. For this reason, Dr. Roskies will discuss your expectations to make sure they’re realistic and that you won’t be disappointed.

Toronto hair transplant model with white shirt

Hair Transplantation Methods

—Mike Roskies, MD, MSc, FRCSC

There are two main techniques for achieving these results:

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

This technique uses a specially designed tool to extract and implant individual hair follicles. FUE does tend to take longer and require a more highly-skilled team. But because the donor sites are so small and dispersed, a hair transplant via FUE could appaear completely scarless. A newer approach, this technology has reached its pinnacle, and restoring your balding head has never been easier. Gone are the days of unnatural looking hair plugs - FUE is here to stay.

Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT)

FUT requires the removal of a strip (or strips) of skin containing healthy hair follicles from the donor site. The follicles are separated into small units and then grafted into the balding region. This method can be faster, but it can leave scars and “empty” patches until hair regrowth covers them. FUT is the classical technique used for hair transplantation and is still commonly used for patients at the tail-end of hair loss that require a dramatic one-time procedure.

Additional Treatments


PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, is a minimally invasive treatment option for hair restoration that involves using a patient's own blood to stimulate hair growth. This treatment is usually used in combination with other hair restoration techniques.

PRP treatment works by promoting blood flow to the hair follicles, which helps to nourish the hair and stimulate new growth. Additionally, the growth factors in PRP can also help to activate dormant hair follicles, which can increase the overall density of hair.

Additional Reading

Combined with other treatments such as microneedling or exosomes can improve the effectiveness of hair regrowth. It is important to note that the results of PRP treatment can vary, and it may take multiple sessions to see the desired results. Toronto hair transplant provider, Dr. Roskies and his team will prepare a hair restoration treatment plan that is completely custom for your needs.


Exosomes are tiny vesicles that are secreted by cells and are known to play a role in cell-to-cell communication. Exosomes contain a variety of growth factors and other proteins that can promote tissue repair and regeneration. When applied topically or injected into the scalp, exosomes are said to promote blood flow to the hair follicles and stimulate new hair growth.

The procedure is similar to PRP treatment, where the exosomes are obtained from the patient's own blood, are extracted, and then applied to the scalp. The treatment's results can vary and may take multiple sessions to see the desired results as well.

Hair Transplant Recovery & Results

Mike Roskies, MD, MSc, FRCSC

Dr Mike Roskies logo Toronto hair transplant model with Dr Mike Roskies

The duration and difficulty of your recovery process will depend on the extent of your hair transplantation procedure. Many Toronto hair transplant patients can ease back into their normal routines within two weeks. You can expect to experience some soreness, redness, and tightness in both the donor and recipient areas.

Any pain you feel can usually be controlled with medication Dr. Roskies will prescribe or recommend for you. If you have any stitches, he will most likely remove them within a week to ten days, and will schedule follow-up appointments to assess your progress. Keep in mind that it is common for transplanted hair to fall out within the first two months of surgery. This is to be expected as the follicles heal; normal hair growth typically takes five to six weeks to begin.

Toronto Dr Mike Roskies staff

Schedule your Toronto Hair Transplant consultation with Dr. Mike Roskies today

You don’t have to live with going bald anymore! Click here to schedule your appointment at Dr. Roskies’ Toronto clinic to find out if hair transplantation may be right for you. You can start your journey to reclaim your confidence and vitality today!

Hair Transplant Frequently Asked Questions

Hair transplantation procedures typically only require a local anesthetic and, sometimes, a mild sedative. This means that while you may feel movement in your skin, you will not feel any pain during the surgery. Some discomfort is common during recovery, but this is typically manageable. Dr. Roskies will recommend or prescribe the pain relief medication appropriate for you before your procedure.

Procedures for hair transplantation are very safe, but (like all surgeries) some negative side effects are possible. Beyond those that come with any surgical procedure (i.e., reaction to anesthesia and infection), there are other complications to watch for. These include:

  • Graft rejection
  • Bumps at donor sites
  • Scarring
  • “Patchy” hair, when hair loss progresses around the transplanted sites

Dr. Roskies will discuss these risks during your consultation and outline steps to minimize their probability. Throughout the process, it is important to me that you feel informed and comfortable.

The cost of a hair transplants in Toronto can vary widely. The extent of the procedure, the transplantation method used, the number of sessions required, and the surgeon’s skill all contribute to the cost. You will receive a detailed quote outlining the cost of your specific services once we have established your customized treatment plan. Pricing generally starts at $12K + HST.

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This life is what we make of it. Dr. Mike Roskies helps patients like you determine their own futures through innovative, meticulous, and gorgeous facial plastic surgery in Toronto. As one of the rising stars of plastic surgery, patients come from around the country to receive Dr. Roskies’ life-changing procedures. Ready to give your story an exciting new chapter? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Roskies today.

66 Avenue Road #1, Toronto, Ontario M5R 3N8

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